Leave No Trace for Outdoor Leaders: Teaching Tools for Responsible Recreation
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
AORE Programming
Event Description
Leave No Trace for Outdoor Leaders: Teaching Tools for Responsible Recreation The Subaru/Leave No Trace Teams provide proven, research-based skills and education for getting outside in an environmentally sustainable way. Topics in this virtual workshop include:
  • Overview of Leave No Trace principles, practices, and ethics, including both the hows and whys behind the importance of practicing Leave No Trace. Leave No Trace guidelines to practice, promote and share whether in the backcountry, front country, your favorite local parks, or in your everyday life.
  • Tips, tools, and best practices for effectively communicating and teaching Leave No Trace to others (both online and in-person), including interactive activities and techniques such as Authority of the Resource, if applicable.
  • Programs and resources of the Leave No Trace organization and ways to get more involved.
Designed for outdoor educators, guides, adventure program trip leaders, and park and recreation staff who will gain skills and knowledge to incorporate Leave No Trace into their work as well as teach Leave No Trace to all experience levels and in varied environments.

NOTE: Participants who are new to Leave No Trace or have not had Leave No Trace training in recent years are encouraged to participate in a Leave No Trace introductory program or complete the self-paced (~30 min.) Leave No Trace 101 Online Course in advance at https://learn.lnt.org/courses/101

Setting: Live Virtual
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