Risk Management for Outdoor Programs
4/2/2025 - 4/30/2025
11:00 AM, New York time, UTC-4/-5
Event Type(s)
Risk Management
Event Description

Online Training Course for Outdoor Professionals

The course is a combination of five real-time video-conference sessions, spaced one week apart, and independent work periods between live sessions.

Five live online sessions: (Times/dates based on Singapore time, UTC+8)

  • Wednesday, Apr 2, 11:00 a.m. UTC+8
  • Wednesday, Apr 9, 11:00 a.m. UTC+8
  • Wednesday, Apr 16, 11:00 a.m. UTC+8
  • Wednesday, Apr 23, 11:00 a.m. UTC+8
  • Wednesday, Apr 30, 11:00 a.m. UTC+8

Independent individual and group work occurs between live sessions.


  • Gain critical knowledge of best practices in outdoor program risk management

  • Learn procedures, systems, and plans essential to meeting key outdoor safety standards

  • Understand how to apply successful risk management strategies to adventure programs, experiential education, wilderness expeditions, and outdoor trips

Valuable for

Individuals overseeing outdoor programs, including program coordinators, risk management officers, safety committee members, lead training staff, Board members, and executive leadership.

Setting: Live Virtual
Contact Person
Jeff Baierlein
(phone: 206-473-8050))

Course Format
The course is composed of five live video-conference sessions and three independent work periods:

  1. Live sessions. Five live, video-conference sessions, occurring the same day and time each week, for five consecutive weeks.  These include structured real-time small-group and large-group discussions and participant project presentations.
  2. Independent work. Between live video-conferences, there are four-week-long independent work periods for individual and remote small-group activity. This work includes:
  • ​Review of pre-recorded slide presentations with presenter video
  • Completion of readings

  • Participation in online discussion forums

  • Participation in interactive video-based decision-making activities

  • Completion of writing assignments (including writing risk management plan outline and strategic improvement plan content)

  • Peer review of select classmate writing content

  • Completion of organizational self-assessment of risk management

  • Completion of online worksheets

  • Participation in online risk decision-making role-playing scenario

  • Structured analysis of case-study examples

  • Completion of quizzes and final exam

Independent work is anticipated to take a minimum of 10-12 hours per week.

Jeff Baierlein, Director, Viristar; past Executive Director at Outward Bound USA​


USD $649 for the full course per individual.

Participants complete quizzes and a final exam to receive a Viristar certificate valid for three years. CEUs are also available for purchase.

The course textbook, "Risk Management for Outdoor Programs: A Guide to Safety in Outdoor Education, Recreation, and Adventure," is provided electronically and available for purchase as a softcover book at https://courses.viristar.com/book/

Download a PDF version of the syllabus here

Previous Participants Say

“Very thought provoking…you come away with a concrete, actionable plan that will help you develop risk management further within your organization.” Roisin Pearson, Deputy Head of Primary, British School Manila, Philippines 

"This was a really beneficial course...it's given me the language I needed to deepen my understanding of risk management." Kate Johnston, Outdoor Education Specialist, United World Colleges, Southeast Asia

“The meticulously developed materials are well-structured and easy to follow, providing a comprehensive and well-rounded learning journey.” Aiko Yoshino, Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

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